The Arcadia Club


Membership is open on an equal basis to men and women of not less than 25 years of age, elected by ballot.

Members of the old Commonwealth may be granted membership in the new Club upon an informal interview with the Secretary.

In order to apply for membership in the Arcadia Club it is the general rule that candidates need a proposer and seconder who are both existing Members of the Club, have been Members for at least two years, and have known the candidate for at least two years.

In some circumstances, the usual requirement may be relaxed to require only a proposer and, in such cases, if an application is to be progressed, the candidate will be required to meet with members of the Scrutiny Committee.

Applications are subject to the recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee, prior to election by the General Committee. If the General Committee are of the opinion by majority vote that the particulars submitted are sufficient and the candidate would appear from these to be a suitable applicant, he will be invited by the General Committee to accept the status of a Temporary Member, and, after paying the applicable Subscription Fee, he will start his Trial Period which should normally last Three months during which he will be expected to participate actively in the Club events (at least, in the Monthly General meetings) and let the existing members of the Club fully form an opinion of him as a potential full member.

Upon the successful completion of his Trial Period, he will be notified by the Scrutiny Committee of the change in his status and will become a full Member of the appropriate class. He will then be required to pay the remainder of his Subscription Fee, and his name will be entered by the Club Secretary into the Club Members’ Register.

A most rigorous process of election of our members ensures that those elected are indeed the individuals whose company the existing members would greatly enjoy and value.

If you are not sure whether or not you know any existing Members it is possible to visit the Club and to look at a copy of the Members’ List. It is not possible for a Members’ List to be sent to you.

If you would like further information, or to be sent an application pack, please contact us.

Et Ego In Arcadia Vixi

There were hills which garnished their proud heights with stately trees; humble valleys whose base estate seemed comforted with refreshing of silver rivers; meadows enamelled with all sorts of eye-pleasing flowers; thickets, which, being lined with most pleasant shade, were witnessed so to by the cheerful deposition of many well-tuned birds; each pasture stored with sheep feeding with sober security, while the pretty lambs with bleating oratory craved the dams' comfort; here a shepherd's boy piping as though he should never be old; there a young shepherdess knitting and withal singing, and it seemed that her voice comforted her hands to work and her hands kept time to her voice's music.

As for the houses of the country - for many houses came under their eye - they were all scattered, no two being one by the other, and yet not so far off as that it barred mutual succour: a show, as it were, of an accompanable solitariness and of a civil wildness.

"The New Arcadia" by Sir Philip Sidney, 1580