The Cherry Blossom King


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Little Shouts of Joy

I'm in love with my best friend. Her name is Francine.

She's a creative, talented writer who is developing her craft and is serious about the business of writing.

She's darn intelligent; she sees things other people don't see, or she sees them half a step ahead of everyone else. Or at least me.

She's passionate; whether angry or loving, she does nothing half way. She takes big bites. Her eyes flash with her inner shining.

She's beautiful. I love the way her smooth skin flows gracefully from her forehead to her ankles. And she takes care of herself.

She's funny, and her laugh is delightfully infectous.

She takes care of me, she challenges me, she inspires me.

She's manic and she's calming by turns. She's so easy to be with, and so difficult to be without.

Even her fears are a comfort to me, because they are so similar to my doubts and fears.

Visit Francine's blog.

Francine wears a cool hat

She shines

For Francine

Let us walk down to the sea,
Just we two together
Past those white-washed houses
That stood too long and are
No longer homes,
Past the hungry shadows who
Would not learn to walk with us
Down to the sea.

Let us walk from our city
Apartments, you and I,
Through rolling vineyards (sweet
Grapes hung heavy in the sun)
And olive groves,
With our straw hats and baskets,
And gather for the pressing
All that we can.

Let others dream their
Lives in parking lots;
Seek with me the sea.

Ce n'est plus une ardeur dans mes veines cachée:
C'est Vénus tout entière à sa proie attachée.
(Phèdre, Jean Racine, 1677)