Pope Saint Gregory the Great: Apostle of the Sacred Liturgy

“We make Idols of our concepts, but Wisdom is born of wonder.” (Pope St. Gregory the Great) Only a handful of Popes ever get named “Great”. Today in the Ordinary Roman calendar is the feast of one of them, Pope Saint Gregory the Great, confessor and doctor of the Church (540 – 604). His feast, originally celebrated on the day […]

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Saint Benedict and the Work of God

Today is the feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, who can safely be said to be the father of western monasticism. His monastic Holy Rule, still followed today after almost 1,500 years, spread throughout the west as the Roman Empire collapsed. Pope Pius XII lauded him, for in the perilous times that followed Rome’s fall, it was Benedictine monks who […]

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Saint John the Baptist

Today is the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Since yesterday was Sunday, there was no opportunity to celebrate Saint John’s Eve, which is traditionally a time to light festive bonfires. The story of the Jewish people moves from Abraham through Exodus to the Judges to the Kings to the Prophets. It culminates in Christ, the culmination […]

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The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary’s month of May draws to a close with the Feast of the Visitation. This feast celebrates the visit of Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist (Luke 1:39-56). So this feast is a celebration of the very first Christian community, consisting of two pregnant mothers and their unborn children. Saint Luke’s account culminates […]

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Byzantium Falls

On this day in 1453, the great and holy city of Constantinople fell to the Turks and the Christian Roman Empire came to its apocalyptic end. This was a thousand years after the conversion of the Empire to Christ, almost fifteen centuries after the fall of the Republic, and 2,206 years after the foundation of Rome. This event, long in […]

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Five Things Most Catholics Don’t Know about Celebrating Mass

Almost three years ago, in the letter accompanying the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis asked the bishops of the world “to be vigilant in ensuring that every liturgy be celebrated with decorum and fidelity to the liturgical books promulgated after Vatican Council II, without the eccentricities that can easily degenerate into abuses.” Leaving aside for a moment the truism […]

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We read today in the Acts of the Apostles of this great day, fifty days after the Resurrection of Jesus, ten days after His Ascension, which in a certain way we can celebrate as the birthday of the Church: When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,they were all in one place together.And suddenly there came from the skya noise like […]

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Maundy Thursday: Do This in Memory of Me

The Season of Lent comes to its end this evening, as we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This celebration commemorates the institution of the Eucharist, the source and summit of Church life, as well as the sacred priesthood which offers this sacrifice. Unlike most Protestants, the Catholic and Orthodox (and others of the Apostolic Tradition) believe that God […]

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Sunday Vespers at Saint Patrick

At our parish of Saint Patrick in Tacoma, we will be celebrating Solemn Vespers in the evening of each Sunday of Lent at 6:00 PM. Please, join us in the coming weeks if you are local and able. Chanted Vespers is a beautiful and traditional way of worship in our faith. We last celebrated Vespers here at Saint Patrick following the […]

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Merry Christmas to All!

O great mystery,and wonderful sacrament,that animals should see the new-born Lord,lying in a manger!Blessed is the Virgin whose wombwas worthy to bearChrist the Lord.Alleluia! Omagnum mysterium,et admirabile sacramentum,ut animalia viderent Dominum natum,jacentem in praesepio!Beata Virgo, cujus viscerameruerunt portareDominum Christum.Alleluia. “The Birth of Christ” by Sandro Botticelli

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