The World

by Thom

The Kingdom of Narcerion is a prosperous realm located in the temperate lands in the east of the continent of Saggadon, between the mountains and the sea. To the north are the fractuous Kingdom of Ventoses and the semi-barbarous Kingdom of Tular, while to the south are the rich Leponti City-States, and the mighty (but disorganized) Kingdom of Clevesin.

Further south lie the fabled Jewel Islands, once the home of a mighty empire, now long gone. The islands are divided into a bewildering array of petty kingdoms, merchant republics, and pirate principalities. As befits their name, the Jewel Islands are said to be fabulously wealthy, the source of spices, gold, and long-forgotten sorceries.

The Continent of Saggadon and
the nearby lands

East of the sea lies the mysterious and bleak continent of Zothique, where necromancer-kings rule over desert realms built of cruelty, slavery, and magic.

On the western coast of Saggadon stands the Empire of Seng, ruled by its half-elven emperor of the Cerulean Sash Dynasty from the ancient, decadent city of Sydek, said to be the largest city in the world. Several hundred years ago, during the days of the Golden Mask Dynasty, the Empire ruled most of coastal Saggadon, and much of the interior as well. The dynasty fell to a plague of corruption, decadence, and rebellion, and it was finally finished off by a great Hobgoblin invasion. Within a generation, the Empire was reduced to its core territories. These days, the Emperor’s trade ships ply the world’s seas in search of new treasures and new trading opportunities. Seng trading colonies may be found in major ports throughout the known world.

The center of Saggadon is dominated by a great plain: steppe in the north and east, and desert in the south and west. These lands are dominated by wandering tribes of goblinoids, principally Orcs, Goblins, and Kobolds. Large portions of the territory are also claimed by nomadic nations of Grel, Humans, Centaurs, Bugbears, Gnoles, and Grevans.

Beyond even far-off Seng, across the stormy Strait of Sighs, lays the mysterious continent of Karaand, inhabited by a people known as the Kardarán. Little is known of the land or its peoples, but rumours and legends may be found in any port of the West.