The Kingdom of Narcerion

by Thom


The King’s Arms

Climate: Temperate, occasional cold winters. Cooler and damper in the north.

Terrain: Rolling grassy plains in the east and south. Mountains in the west, with hilly and wooded lands in the foothills. Widespread heathlands and moors in the north are puntuated by wide areas of undulating hills and dales.

Resources: timber, grains, wool, tin, horses, livestock, iron. gold, silver, copper and gems in the Iron Hills.

Land use: Farming dominates the great valleys of the mighty Soult River. Pastoral in the south and east. Mining and timber, principally in the west.


Racial and Ethnic Groups: Humans (70%) throughout, with pockets of Elves (10%, scattered throughout the central-west), Dwarves (10%, mostly in the Duchy of the Silver Hills the the northwest), Halflings (6%, concentrated in the Vale of Melet in the far south), with 4% miscellaneous. The towns are quite cosmopolitan, and the Human percentage can drop to as low as 60% in places.

Religions: Church of Everlasting Hope, Courts of Justice

The Caregiver and the True are the principal deities worshipped in Narcerion, and both churches have considerable land holdings and political influence. Between the two, they account for perhaps 75% of the Kingdom’s religious life. Other deities are freely worshipped, though some chaotic and/or evil religions are forbidden.

Social Alignment: LG

Languages: Narcerian, Khuzad, Elvish.


Type: Feudal Monarchy

Current Leader: King Edgar III

Capital: Kisar (city)

Diplomatic relations: Relations with Clevesin in the south have varied tremendously over the years, depending on who, if anyone, was in charge of that Kingdom. The current peace seems quite solid for the moment. The northern frontier with Ventoses, however, is another story. War, or at least raiding, is a frequent occurance, and due to some dynastic shenanigangs King Edgar III has a better claim to the Ventosan throne than its current occupant, King Reinhart. 

War with the various humanoid tribes across the western mountains seems to break out every thirty years or so, typically beginning with a disasterous Orkin invasion followed by a massive counter-attack to drive them out of the country.