Torhalla Muses #1

by Tørhalla Ulricsdøttìr

Goblins are stinky. Really really stinky. And who poops in a closet? That’s DISGUSTING!


Wish I didn’t have to scare the bear off like that. I hope Father Bear isn’t angry. I need to go leave some offerings. Maybe burning goblins will keep me safe from the Dark Den of Death.


We have FIGS… They are so good. I have to keep the Fenkeh away from them. He’s gonna gain all his weight back. That would be FAT-tastic.


Oh, and rats. F***ing hate Rats.


And just like that, all the money we earned is going into Karinar Manor.  We were rich and now we’re land… uh… renters? Nynevah is trying to explain this to me but all I hear is “waah waah waaah”.


Ulric is getting big. Wow. And boy is he smart. Except for the pee part. I need to ask Nyneva to have a kennel built for him. He doesn’t seem to understand not to pee inside the manor. Damn goblins. Maybe he’ll understand when we get back and it’s all clean. More training to “hold that till we find a river” is needed. For certain. He could be a liability if a tracker finds his scat and are looking for us.



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