Torhalla’s Prayer #6

by Tørhalla Ulricsdøttìr

Great Bear, oh wise and wonderful protector, giver of strength and a stout heart. I pray first, for The Dumbarton Oakes Experience. Protect us, give us honor and strength. I pray too, as always, to you for your protection and strength and for those who of my tribe survived. I hold faith. Faith that I will be among them again… So that I might kill the honorless ones that sold me into slavery. Great Bear, this I still pray. Unceasingly. Every. Single. Day. I keep my sword sharpened to the task.

I am a badass.

I am a badass.

We have become famous, I think. In a good way, of course. For we are gaining a reputation for being great warriors who fight with honor. We are becoming known as those that can be trusted to fulfill a task once contracted. Please let nobody find out about the castle we sunk. Or at least spin it so that our MIGHT overshadows that stupid thing we did. Oh, it was a mighty, stupid thing.

But Fenkeh! He was brilliant with his bow and so brave. I am proud to call him friend.

And the little pixie fairy, he almost died and now we must find his tree should we get stupid again, he may reincarnate. That, Great Father, is handy. Please guide us to his tree.

But back to the battle. WOW. And the rubies. Wow! And Kailan! I admit, I was afraid. But I thought that it must be done, that I must follow and aid him. He is quick. I understand he has boots that make him so, but that is not what I mean, it is his mind that is quick.

And then the spiders came and we ran like dogs. Smart dogs.

Together we have fought rats, kobolds, and half-giants. We have been through much as a group. For a time, we lost Ruati but then again, Ruati likes to wander off so one day she’ll wander herself right into her own death. Ulric has a better sense of self preservation.

We have reached the place called Frandor’s Keep. With luck, we will get a good contract and be able to pay in full for our training and not have to use up all of the ruby money.

It is strange to me, that though the bready smelling Kaylan is a great warrior, he does not need to train with me. He often goes off with my wee friend (who much to my delight is a tad less stout but still a fatty — Great Bear!) for long periods of time. When they return, Fenkeh and he seem to be more alike. I trust the great warrior Kaylan but lately, he seems less of a warrior and more of an experienced adventurer, a jack-of-all as some say. Maybe this is because I am becoming wiser and more aware of the skills of an adventurer?

Great Father, this puzzles me the most. I have come to understand and yet not understand that Kaylan, Dumbarton, a goat, a horse, a small fierce halfing named Sweet Doreen, and the crazy cleric Nyneva all are strangers to this land and yet not strangers. They say they came “from another timeline” whatever that means. They come from a place where the their god, Benyar, exists. Was it Benyar that pushed them through the barrier of time? Is he that powerful? They say they were abducted by Dryads and have come to this world without consent. I believe that it was YOU that brought him for us. I am glad that you brought them here, Great Bear, for they and Fenkeh and Nurther and Ruati—yes her— and even the sleepy one, Tibbs, have helped give my life purpose.


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