Torhalla’s Prayer #8

by Tørhalla Ulricsdøttìr

Great Bear, oh wise and wonderful protector, giver of strength and a stout heart. I pray first, for The Dumbarton Oakes Experience. Protect us, give us honor and strength. I pray too, as always, to you for your protection and strength and for those who of my tribe survived. I hold faith. Faith that I will be among them again… So that I might kill the honorless ones that sold me into slavery. Great Bear, this I still pray. Unceasingly. Every. Single. Day. I keep my sword sharpened to the task.

Ok that was nuts. And the smell! I’m really starting to hate those nasty little goblins. Like a lot. Maybe even worse than spiders. Remember, we were contracted by the local chieftan to get his illegitimate daughter away from kidnappers.

With much stealth and guile we followed a man into the woods. Ok, not much. We were clumsy and foolish. We ended up following a fisherman. In the end, we did find the lair so we got to where we were going to save this princess who is not a princess, or for that matter, legitimate. She’s pretty wicked in a fight. Am I rambling? Good. I’m not feeling so great. I fell through a roof. I also, I think, broke a lot of stuff. But not me, I’m still standing, mostly. There was a LOT of fighting, in which was mighty and I swung around a turret on a rope. That was very cool. Right up to the part where I fell down amidst a bunch of goblins. That was not a good thing. We now have a hole in the roof. It’s supposed to rain. But I am whole and you are GREAT! Life is Great!

Dumbarton is really really happy about something, he calls them books. He is also happy about the pretty pictures on the walls which he says will help us pound even more lowlife creatures to dust. He showed me a book. I can write my name, read directions, do some sums and generally get by. He was nearly delirious with these things. I have no use for books unless there are drawing of how to kill my enemy.


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